Stating Websites - Move Staging to Production
Matthew Gabriel
Last Update a year ago
When you are ready to make the contents of your Staging site live, move them to Production. This will replace your live, or Production site, with the contents of the staging site.
To move your Staging site to Production, click the Go button.
This will open a module where you can select to move the Staging Files or Files & Database to Production.
- Files – Selecting to move only files will only move the things you can see when you access your site’s file system via SFTP or the Manage Files option in your Hub. That includes your core WordPress files, as well as all your themes, plugins & media files.
- Files & Database – All of the above plus the entire database, which includes all content and revisions for all post types, navigation menus, widgets, users, comments, plugin & theme settings, e-commerce order data, and WordPress options.
Use the dropdown to select whether you wish to replace only your site files, or both the files and database. Click Move to Production to continue.
Choosing the Files option replaces the files on the production site only and preserves the current data stored in the production site database. On the other hand, selecting the File & Database option replaces both the files and the data stored in the production site database. Also, note that moving staging to production doesn’t affect anything on the production server; it only moves the content you specify.
Automatic Backups
When moving Staging to your live Production site, the Files or Files & Database of your current production site will be overwritten with the corresponding contents of the staging site.
In the unlikely event that something goes wrong and you need to restore your Production site, you’ll be happy to know that we automatically create a backup of your Production site before the push from staging. You’ll find this backup in your Hub under the Backups tab of your site, labeled pre-staging-push.