Uploading a New Plugin

Matthew Gabriel

Last Update één jaar geleden

Plugins that have been downloaded in a .zip format can easily be added to your website through wp-admin. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to wp-admin>Plugins and click Add New.

2. Then click Upload plugin and choose your file to upload. Once you have selected your file, you can click Install Now.

3. After the plugin has installed, you will receive a success message. Click Activate so that you can use the newly added plugin.

Manually installing plugins using FTP

It is good practice to backup your install completely before installing new plugins. Install plugins using FTP as follows:

1. Download the plugin.

2. Unzip the file to extract all of the files into a folder on your hard drive.

3. Read the Usage instructions thoroughly. Some plugins involve uploading PHP files and folders to a range of different locations.

Plugins obtained from sources such as the WordPress Plugins Directory normally include a “readme” file inside the plugin folder. Read the “readme” file thoroughly.

Check the website where you downloaded the plugin from for any additional instructions.

SWS plugins don’t include readme or install files. Refer to the usage page where you downloaded the plugin.

4. Launch FileZilla or the FTP client you prefer (refer to these instructions if you are new to FTP).

5. Locate and open the folder on your computer that contains the new plugin.

6. Refer to the “Readme’ file or usage page (for WPMU DEV plugins) to determine which folder(s) to upload your plugin to on your install.

Most plugins are uploaded to your plugins folder (located within the wp-content folder of your public_html folder)

However, some plugins involve uploading PHP files and folders to a range of different locations.

7. Upload the plugin from your computer, by dragging it into the folder(s) in your WordPress directory as specified by the “Readme’ file or usage page.

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